Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crazy and Loud

I only have a moment. My dad is on his way over for a cup of coffee and Spanish bread. I have my day old Taco Bell burrito heating in the oven. We have no microwave yet.

I wanted to not forget these loud and crazy days we have here at Homeschooling6. The kids running around playing battles. Mom going crazy because it was one of those days where I just wasn't up to the noise.

The dishes were piling. We don't have a dishwasher, so I feel like I'm cleaning dishes all day. Oh, wait! I am cleaning dishes all day. Hee, hee. There is something about washing dishes by hand. I get to think and talk to God. Some days I think too much and should talk to my Lord more.

I'll admit that there are days though when I do miss my dishwasher.

I can only imagine how we must look:
  • Having to wash clothes outside
  • filling toilet tank with bucket
  • no microwave
  • no dishwasher
  • family of 8 living in a two bedroom apartment (now moved into a three bedroom)
Too funny! I love my loud, crazy life.


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